sábado, 23 de janeiro de 2016

The n-dimensional geometry graceli alternancial is the branch of geometry that studies dimenssionais alternancial varieties graceli, with a metric of graceli, and. with an alternate product on the tangent space at each point at which varies continuously (or smoothly) from point to point. This gives a particular location concept angle, length of curves, surface area, and volume. From this, some other global quantities can be obtained by integration or medial [see medial calculation graceli] local contributions.

the alternancial graceli almost approaches the associative geometry.

A geometria alternancial n-dimensional de Graceli é o ramo da geometria alternancial que estuda variedades dimenssionais de Graceli, com uma métrica de Graceli, e. com um produto alternado sobre o espaço tangente em cada ponto em qual varia continuamente (ou suavemente) de ponto a ponto. Isto dá uma noção local particular de ângulo, comprimento de curvas, área de superfície, e volume. A partir disto, algumas outras grandezas globais podem ser obtidas por integração ou mediais [ver cálculo medial de Graceli] de contribuições locais.

a alternancial Graceli quase se aproxima da geometria associativa.

geometry graceli alternancial n-dimensional.

a, b, c, d, e, f, g.⇔ bacdefg ≁ cabdefg [+, -, /, *] dabcefg [n].

any representation by letter can have variations, time, or size.

for the whole alternation has dimensions, sin, cos, angles, time and variations and expansions in relation to dimensional potential.

You ask if the type of change and in what order they will enter this variation by modifying subsequent orders.

a, b, c, d, e, f, g.⇔ b + c-abdefg acdefg ≁ [+, -, /, *] d / a + bcefg [n].

wherein any result may be a dimension, time, expansion, oscillatory flow, acceleration, changing angles and flat shapes, curves, or changing the same.

changeability can have a boundary, or even a flow change.

i.e., which have alternations are values ​​with respect to time, and even for reference, even in fixed or varying offsets. [relativity forming a geometric].

imagine several bikers on a globe of death, and see the shapes of their movements and variations in angles between them.

or even several balloons in space where a pass close to the other.

remark. the symbols used graceli can see their utility in other previous studies published on the Internet.

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